Traditional Vs Online Astrology
Author: Admin
Category: Online Astrology
Posted on: Jun 19, 2022

Traditional Vs Online Astrology - Why Is Online a Better Option?
In India, our relationship with astrology is established on the day we are born. Often our parents or grandparents make our horoscope based on day, time, and place of birth. Often in our households before performing an auspicious occasion or a new venture. Often we look for a good time to complete it. At the time of marriage, the horoscope or Kundli between the bride and groom are matched. At all these times we need a learned, trained, and experienced astrologer, who with his/her experience can guide us better. Thus future challenges can be foreseen and remedies discussed.
While astrology has strong relevance in India, the west too has now recognised our Vedic astrology as a strong indicator of the future. Traditional astrology is based on making a person's horoscope on the basis of the details provided. Using this Janam Kundli as a base and after doing certain calculations, the future could be predicted. Traditional astrology involves the knowledge of the astrologer and his/her expertise. Often major milestones in life, education, career, marriage, and children to name a few predictions could be made.
Traditional astrology thus required us to be in touch with the astrologer at all times. Sometimes this might also pose a problem. If by any chance of any shortcoming by the astrologer, the entire dynamics can/would collapse. Thus many a time, people would change astrologers if one they consulted could not help them. In the late 90s and early 2000s, computerised horoscopes came into being. We all know that the computer is the most diligent machine. Horoscopes thus became more accurate and remedies could also be sought
This was also the advent of online astrology. With the advancement and influx in technology, astrology could not stay behind. The science of predicting the future to find its roots getting strengthened. The basis of online astrology is still our Vedic astrology but all the numerous changes that have happened with time have been adopted. Online astrology has become an amalgamation of traditional and modern astrology. Thus with time, the acceptance of online astrology has exceeded traditional astrology.
Reasons why Online astrology is a better option over traditional astrology
The human mind likes to believe facts that are tangible and appeal to the logical part of our brain. Cited below are the advantages of online astrology.
- Accessibility is the key -
Imagine a scenario where the deal needs to be confirmed or denied within a small window of time. An individual needs to make this decision so he considers the pros and cons in the monetary and economic aspect like the astrology implication he may leave it to the astrologer. But unfortunately, the astrologer is not available at that time. Well, thus accessibility in such scenarios is the key. In online astrology, a push of a few buttons and keying in a few details can help the individual make the right decisions.
- Privacy all the way -
Sometimes the issues that we face cannot be shared with only one or are extremely private and personal. So should the remedy be not sought in these matters? Well, with online astrology this aspect is completely ruled out. In the privacy of our choice and your modes like phone, laptop, or desktop you can get the solution. With online astrology vis, a vis traditional astrology privacy is always maintained.
- Accuracy -
Traditional astrology can be inaccurate since there are chances of human error. But this error is completely eliminated with online astrology. Computer errors in calculations are not possible. Thus the reports generated with online astrology are reliable, accurate, and thus credible.
- Costs and solutions -
In online astrology, the result in terms of health, career, spouse, academics, and much more is generated as an overview for an individual. This is done with no cost at all. Fine but what if we need remedies. Do we still need a traditional astrology approach? No, if more information is needed, one only has to add a minimal fee to the online astrology portal. Solutions to specific problems can be found immediately and with ease.
There is no need to reach a goal only by taking the arduous way. The path can be less cumbersome if guidance can be obtained with astrology. With online astrology on your side, you can tap into your future and get a sneak peek and guidance at ease. Dreams are accomplished with hard work, let your hard work get that push from astrology towards a bright future.
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10 Jul, 2022